Free products to help you stop smoking!

Free products to help you stop smoking!

Yes! You read correctly! On January 1, changes to the BC Smoking Cessation come into effect that will help you stop smoking!
It’s not easy to stop smoking, but the BC government is trying to make it easier. Now you can simply come in to Carmi Remedy’s Rx in the Carmi Medical Dental Building (just up from Penticton Regional Hospital) to access FREE Nicotine Replacement Therapy products. You are no longer required to phone HealthLinkBC for a registration number.
In addition,PharmaCare is also pleased to announce that lozenges and inhalers will now be included as NRT (Nicotine Replacement Therapy) options under the program.
Learn more in the video below >>> Derek Desrosiers of the BC Pharmacy Association talks about quitting smoking and changes to the province’s smoking cessation program.
stop smoking video

Whether you are ready to quit and want to find out how Carmi Remedy’s Rx can assist you or are simply contemplating whether to stop smoking, we invite you to come in and speak to our pharmacists. You can also join us for an in-store presentation at our KELOWNA sister pharmacy- Orchard Remedy’s Rx in Orchard Plaza (on Harvey Avenue across from Orchard Park Mall).

The “Your Smoking Cessation Options” presentation takes place on January 27th at 3:00pm. Orchard Remedy’s Rx pharmacist, Oliver, will discuss:

  • The Benefits of Quitting
  • Accessing Your Motivation
  • Options to Help You Quit including:
    • Prescription Products
    • NRTs: Gum, Patch, Lozenges, Inhalers
    • How to use, how to get, do I pay?

There will be a question period, prizes, samples, and a gift bag.
Ever wonder just how much you could save if you stop smoking? Check out this interactive Smoking Cost Calculator at (click image below)
smoking cost calculator
Remember that you are always welcome to come in and discuss your smoking cessation options with our friendly staff at Carmi Remedy’s Rx Pharmacy in the Carmi Medical Dental Building. We are here to help!
Carmi Remedy’s Rx | Penticton | Fantastic Healthcare Made Easy!